Two Awards In One!!🥳🥳

Hey Fam, welcome to yet another post on this blog. Make yourself comfortable if you’re new, and if you’re not, I love you very much for always coming back.♥️♥️

I got my first Blog Nomination award!! Not just one but two!!

I’m so happy I could share a plate of hot Jollof rice and chicken to everyone.

Now shall we;


Hearty cheers to Herry Chic Counsels for nominating me for this award. Please visit her blog for spiritfilled and inspirational Christian content.


1)Thank the blogger who nominated you

2)Remember to list the rules and indicate your award nomination by including the logo.

3)Answer the questions that have been asked

4)Nominate 11 bloggers who inspire you

5)Make a new list of 11 questions for your nominees

Questions and Answers

1) What does sunshine mean to me?

The start of a new day. Light. Radiance.

2)What inspires you the most?

Precious Holy Spirit. A forever inspiration. And yes, my family. Not to sound cliche, but they’re my inspiration in human body.

3)Are there any kind of thought that pops in your mind frequently? If yes, what do you think is the reason behind it?

These days I find myself thinking about living life and fulfilling purpose, living life and making an impact even if it’s in just a soul frequently. I guess Chadwick Boseman’s death created a new passion in me. The passion to live and affect lives no matter how young.

4)What are your opinions about the phrase ‘Reflect on life’?

You see, most times, this thing we call life can be a lot more overwhelming than we prepared for. It doesn’t hurt if you take a break and just breathe while you allow yourself get acquainted to the changes we experience, the visions we have, the goals to be met at the same time resting.

5)Do you spend sometime with yourself? If yes, how?

Very much. I read, write, try to write songs. I know this might sound weird, but yeah, I talk to myself. It helps me get out of my head sometimes ☺️☺️


The Whosoever Tag 

Special shoutout goes again to Herry Chic Counsel. Thank you so much for these nominations. Please, don’t forget to check out her blog.♥️

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” ~ John 3:16

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. ~ Mark 8:34

Here are the rules:

1)This tag is for any follower of Jesus who wants to do it. If you love Jesus and are a “Whosoever”, you are tagged.

2)Link the original post (The Whosoever Tag) and give credit to the creator of this tag (Purple Rose)

3)Answer the 10 original questions asked by Purple Rose

4)Share the link to at least one Christian blog post or blogger you love (you may share as many blog posts or bloggers as you like).

5)Use the original tag image as the FEATURED image on your post:


1)How old were you when you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and savior?

I was 15 at that time.

2)How many times have you been baptized?

3)What bible story or verse puzzles you the most?

The story of prophet Hosea and his adulterous wife.

4) What’s something you’d like to know about heaven?

Life in eternity. Is it going to be like our everyday life on Earth or just a life of everyday worship?

5) Who’s the first person you knew on Earth that you’ll look for or you hope will be waiting to greet you at the pearly gates?

My young family friend. Died at a very tender age. It still hurts when I remember.

6)Why do you think the streets of heaven are made of gold?

The Bible said so. And I think Gold is a treasure that’s associated with royalty and we all know who the King of Kings is; God.

7) What’s ONE burning question you can’t wait to ask Jesus?

Wow. This one is sketchy but I’ll actually like to ask why He takes the ones we love soon梁梁

8) Other than Jesus, what person from the Bible are you most interested to meet?

Mary. I’d like to ask her about Jesus’ childhood days. (and maybe quietly ask if He sometimes caused tantrums)

9) What are 3 things you won’t miss on Earth?

The uncertainty. The Instability. School 

10) What’s the best spiritual advice you’ve ever received?

Live your life day by day by grace depending on the Spirit and carrying Jesus on your head.

My nominations goes to whoever reads this post. Feel free to answer these same questions and post on your blog too.

Thank you and God bless you all.


Published by Adeola

I'm an illuminated lamp to this generation. I'm an insurmountable teenager. I'm a fast growing poet and writer. I'm Peace of God

34 thoughts on “Two Awards In One!!🥳🥳

      1. And thanks for extending the tag. I think I’ll do the whosoever tag on my blog next week.
        How do I get/save the original picture though? I’m fairly new to this…… Okay, totally new.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 😂😂 I can imagine. I didn’t save mine, I just used screenshot. You can do that too.

        I’ll be totally waiting for the post. Thanks again Gypsy❤️❤️


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